Sunday, November 11, 2012

Review: Vivelle Face Mask

Hai semua. Long time no post. Maafkan saya T_T
UTS dan rasa malas yang berlebihan koneksi internet dirumah yang sedang ngaco yang menyebabkan semua ini.
Baiklah, kali ini mau ngereview face mask dari Vivelle. Kebetulan minggu lalu mampir ke Watsons. Eh pas lagi liat liat rak mask ada mask ini.

Vivelle face mask dengan Collagen, Vit C, dan VCO

Ingredients & How to use
Vivelle face mask with Collagen, VIt C, and VCO. Berguna untuk mencerahkan, menutrisi, dan mengencangkan kulit. Face mask ini berbentuk sheet. Harganya sekitar 12ribuan. pas beli kemarin aku dapet dua. Dapet dua? Iya, yang satu lagi free sample. jadi anggep aja dapet dua ^^V

Vivelle face mask dengan Collagen dan Vit C.

Barcodenya dicoret, artinya sample.

Aku udah nyoba pake dua mask ini. Kertas masknnya agak tipis ya. Ukurannya pas sama mukaku, ga kegedean. Dan kalo biasanya mask sheet gitu masih ada sisa serumnya, vivelle ini ga ada. Jadi di bungkusnya kering gitu aja. Yang basah sheetnya aja. Wanginya enak, ga menyengat. Setelah pake mask ini wajahku jadi agak cerah. Tapi ya cuma sebentar. Setelah itu kembali ke warna asli T_T Tapi ada satu lagi yanga aku suka, mask ini ada tutupan matannya. Duh, apa pula bahasaku. Jadi yang di maskerin ga cuma wajah aja, tapi mata juga. Lumayan sih bikin mata adem. Udah dapet belom maksud 'tutupan mata' itu apa? Liat gambar dibawah ini yaa.  

Aw! ><
Udah ngerti ka maksudku? Lumayan loh bikin mata adem, rileks. Bikin ngantuk deh pokoknya. Apa ngga perih tuh? Ngga kok. Tenang aja. So far, ga ada perbedaan dari dua mask ini. Mungkin karena kandungan bahannya yang hampir sama ya.

Muraaaah (yes, beli 12rb dapet 2!!)
Melembabkan wajahku <3
Bikin adem di mata
Ngga perih di mata

Efek cerah yang sementara T_T

3/5. Repurchase? Ngga. Lagi mau nyoba mask sheetnya faceshop ^^

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Grand Opening Nature Republic @Supermal Karawaci

Oke, saatnya laporan tentang grand opening Nature Republic di Supermal Karawaci tanggal 28 September kemarin. Btw udah pada tau Nature Republic kan? Hah? Belom tau? Miapah gatau Nature Republic? *dijitak*
Well, apa sih Nature Republic? Nature Republic adalah salah satu produk kecantikan asal Korea Selatan yang menggunakan bahan bahan alami. Singkatnya sih gitu yaa.
Nah kemarin Nature Republic membuka gerai mereka di Supermal Karawaci. Aku dateng sama temenku.
Disana aku ketemu beberapa beauty blogger cuma aku ga berani nyapa. ><
Sudahlah, here we go~

Mulai rame~

Maskaranya punya fungsi yang berbeda beda: longlash blossom, curling blossom, dan volume blossom

Spray sunscreen

Dan disini aku nemu sesuatu yang menarik: spray sunscreen. Sunscreennya mengandung spf 50 PA+++. Teksturnya ringan, ga ada whitecastnya. Harganya sekitar 108.000an. Bedanya apa yang biru sama yang oren? Kata BAnya sih yang biru itu sekalian moisturizing. kalo yang oren cuma sebagai sunscreen aja.

Botanical Fresh BB Cream & Snail BB Cream
Kalo BB Cream semua udah ga asing lagi kan? :)

Mask sheets

Mask sheetsnya terdiri dari 5 varian yang berbeda fungsinya. Harga mask sheetnya sekitar 20.000an (lupa tepatnya berapa, ga sampe 30.000 pokoknya)

Dan ini ada beberapa lipbalm dan lipgloss. Lip concealer juga ada loh. Sayang lupa difoto :(

Jelly Drop Jam Balm. Looks so cute xD

The lipgloss!

Berry Lipbalm

Beberapa hand creamnya Natur Republic. Wanginya enak loooh :)

Hand Cream

Dan yang produk yang satu ini katanya merupakan produk Best Sellernya Nature Republic.

Aloe Vera Soothing Gel
Gel ini bisa dipake dari kepala (ujung rambut) sampe ke kaki. Daaaaan harganya terjangkau. :") Btw aku dapet Aloe Vera Soothing Gel ini di goodie bag loh. Review menyusul :3

Me with 장근석

Via, Kindi, Indah beserta bang 장근석

Indah, Via, Oppa, Kindi, Mba Yeni (Supervisornya Nature Republic), dan saya
Laporan selesai. Thank you Nature Republic for hosting this event :)

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Haul~

Hello! Today I want to show you my September Haul~
Actually I bought these from different seller. I ordered them on August but they arrived on September.
Part I. Sorry I put the sample 'miring' ><
Part II

This is the list of the products that I bought:
Part I
1. Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint Peach
2. Etude House Shini Star Lipbalm Onew (Onew! <3)
3. Etude House Shini Star Lipbalm Jonghyun (this one is belong to my sister)
4. Etude House Shini Star Clear Pact Peach
The seller is so generous by giving so many samples x))

Part II
1. Etude House Wonder Pore Freshner
2. Skinfood Lavender Nail Polish Remover (this supposed to be Grapefruit but idk the seller sent this one)
3. Skinfood Nail Vita Coffee Jelly
4. Skinfood Nail Vita Nut
The seller only give 3 samples :(

I've tried them all and I'm going to review them later. I promise ^^v

Monday, September 24, 2012

I Won Misskatie's Giveaway! Wohow!

Actually the package had arrived on last Monday. But due to my assignments I have no time to post. So sorry Kak ^^v So here we go..
I forgot how I found Misskattie's blog. Then I found that she held her first giveaway. I joined it.
The requirements to join the giveaway were easy. You have to follow her twitter and her GFC. She wanted to know why do you follow her blog. And she wanted you to share your mystical experience or describe how wonderful your life.
I had a problem while posted my answer. I tried to post it for several times and finally it's shown on the comment post. During that time I edited my post several times ><
The giveaway started on 30th August 2012-7th September 2012 at 7pm.
Then at the midnight I'm curious about the winner.
Miss Katie already posted the winner list.
And....... I saw my name on the list! I'm the 4th winner

And here are the pics :)

The package has arrived!
What inside it?


The package came with this cute message :)

Thank you Kak Katie for the package. So sorry that I just posted this. You guys should visit Kak Katie's blog because she reviewed so many things (Including how to wear gel eyeliner. I'm still not used with pencil eyeliner T.T how about the gel one?) Since I'm still 'green' with all blog and make up stuffs please comment if there's anything I have to improve because I know I've done some mistakes here cos I'm trying to be a good beauty blogger :)

Review: Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion

Hello, finally I'm going to review something. xD
I'm going to review Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion. Actually
I'm interested with this lotion because it has watery texture.
It contains Arbutin, Vitamin C, and  Hyaluronic Acid.
The Vitamin C and Arbutin makes skin brighter while Hyaluronic Acid nourishes skin and hydrates it.
I bought it 2 weeks ago at Watson in Karawaci. It costs around Rp. 41.000-45.000 (I forget the exact price :p)

The pic of Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion
Look at this lotion. It's looked like water xD

I have used this lotion for 2 weeks. And so far, no break out at all. So glad~
How to apply:
Clean up your face
Put some drops of Hada Labo Ultimate Whitening Lotion onto your hand (I usually have 5 drops)
Tap the lotion to your face to make it absorbed to skin faster.

Since I only use the lotion of the Whitening Series of Hada Labo, I don't see any improvement with my face.
I don't feel my face is brighter. Looks like I should try the other treatment of this Whitening Series. I hear the facial foam doing good too. I'd love to give it a try. I'm going to buy the small size first which costs around Rp. 12.000-15.000 if I'm not mistaken, to see whether the facial foam doing good with me or not. :)
To see the other products of Hada Labo Indonesia you may visit their page here

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Iambabypanda's Thanksgiving Giveaway~

I'm still a newbie in this blogging things. Last time I joined a giveaway that was held by MISSKATTIE and I won her giveaway. Yay! So happy! I'll post about that on my next post (Really? Didn't you say you're going to review some things? Yes. But I'll do the reviews after that. I promise :p)

So after blogwalking around I found that Iambabypanda held her giveaway. You can see her giveaway here.
What so interesting about her blog actually? She reviewed so many things. I love her post with 'article' labels. Check 'em out here :))

I really want her giveaway because she's giving 24 shades of Etude House Dear My Blooming Lips Talk Lipstick. And Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream which has so many good reviews also tempting me. And the last thing is the Ipod Shuffle. Since my Ipod Shuffle 3rd gen earphone can't be used anymore I can't use my baby anymore. So sad because she used to accompany me go back and forth to college. I really want to have this Ipod Shuffle 4th Gen ><
Also out of the things I have said, she open her giveaway internationally. Wow, what a chance :))
Are you nterested? She'll announce the winner on the 2nd day of October. Why don't you check her blog? :))

Monday, August 27, 2012

Money (That's all I want)

What's with the title? Actually it's one of Beatles' songs. :)
Lately I always run out of money (what?) Everytime I open my wallet there's no money left! Such a magic! It's started since I became addicted with all the beauty stuffs thingy. I spent my money for those things and Voila, my money is gone! *sobs*
I only bought some skincare and some make up base such as compact powder. Everytime I want to buy a thing I always read the reviews about it. I just cancelled a Skinfood Lipbalm order just because the reviews says it's not that good. Now I enjoy to read review about beauty things. I want to review one too. I'm going to review some Maybelline lipbalm first. (on the next post of course)

Two weeks ago I bought some stuffs. (Yes, I buy my beauty stuffs by online shop which takes 2-3 weeks to be delivered to home) Now I can't wait the package to come.
Here's the list of the things I bought:
1. Etude Shini Star Clear Pact Peach
2. Etude shini Star Lipbalm Onew
3. Etude Shini Star Lipbalm Jonghyun
4. Etude fresh Cherry Tint Peach

Hope the package will arrive this friday.
Gotta go now because have to go to the toilet. ><
See you in my next post!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hello! Again!

Finally we meet again!
So, this is my second posting. I'm typing this posting at 2.06 am.
My Sister and I spent the night by watched 2 movies showed on TV.
The first movie is Fast and Furious and thesecond one is........ I don't know the name. It's an Asian film. It's also about that racing thingy. I wonder why these movies I watched are about racing.
Currently I'm waiting 3.30 am. Because I have to Sahoor. And if I sleep now, it'll be hard for me to wake up later. xD
Btw, last Saturday I just bought some treatment from Martha Tilaar shop. The price is much cheaper than Korean brands. I bought cleanser, freshner, the scrubs, the mask, a lip colour, and a night cream. I realized that I have to take care of myself and try to stop being ignorant with my look. Yes, because I'm a girl. B)
And also yesterday I just ordered some things from Etude House. Can't wait to see them arrive. I'll tell you what I just ordered later :)
And I'll do some review about the products I've bought later.
Keep on waiting for my third post! Xoxo

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

First post!

This is my first post in this blog. Actually I already have one, but I forget the password so I decide to make one.
Since this is my first post, I only want to introduce myself. My name is Dyana. Yes, it's my nickname. I'm an Indonesian. I'm an English student college. Yeah, I'm still learning English. So if there's any mistake in my writing I hope you understand that I'm still learning and try to acquired it. It's not that I don't love Bahasa Indonesia, but I all try to do here is sharing my thoughts using English to improve my skill.(altho' I'll post in Bahasa more often ^^v)
I love the Beatles. But lately, because of my Sister, I start to listen to Korean songs. And guess what? I love them. The music is good although I don't really know what they're saying. Lol. But now I also start to learn Korean. Just in case I failed in English. Haha I just kidding.
That's all for this first post. I'll start to share my experiences and thoughts later. Don't miss 'em. Xoxo