This is my first post in this blog. Actually I already have one, but I forget the password so I decide to make one.
Since this is my first post, I only want to introduce myself. My name is Dyana. Yes, it's my nickname. I'm an Indonesian. I'm an English student college. Yeah, I'm still learning English. So if there's any mistake in my writing I hope you understand that I'm still learning and try to acquired it. It's not that I don't love Bahasa Indonesia, but I all try to do here is sharing my thoughts using English to improve my skill.(altho' I'll post in Bahasa more often ^^v)
I love the Beatles. But lately, because of my Sister, I start to listen to Korean songs. And guess what? I love them. The music is good although I don't really know what they're saying. Lol. But now I also start to learn Korean. Just in case I failed in English. Haha I just kidding.
That's all for this first post. I'll start to share my experiences and thoughts later. Don't miss 'em. Xoxo
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